Sending SMS:
URL: https://www.ardary-sms.com/api/sendSms Method: POST Request Content-Type: application/json
JSON request data - name and value pairs description: header: object with ardary-sms request details; Value: JSON Object -login(required):YOUR_LOGIN -accessKey(required):YOUR_ACCESS_KEY -date_to_send(required):You must specify the date of sending of SMS -priorite(optional):SMS priority Value: Number, Default value: 1 messages: list of sms to be sended Value: JSON Array with sms JSON Objects: - id_sms_api(optional) : Id associated to the SMS -date_to_send(required):You must specify the date of sending of SMS - priorite(optional):SMS priority Value: Number, Default value: 1 -tel(required):recipient phone number(international format). -url:It contains link value if you want to send a link in your SMS. -sms(required):SMS body.if you want to send a link you should add "[Link]" to your sms.
Example of answers
In case Of success
{ "data": [ { "id_sms_api": "0", "count_sms": 1, "user": "user@gmail.com", "send_time": "2020-01-02T13:34:37.096Z", "phone": "+33XXXXXXXXX", "sms": "un%20autre%20test%20from%20api%20 https://arsms.co/e00tZjCjb \n \nSH via arsms.co" }, { "id_sms_api": "1", "count_sms": 1, "user": "user@gmail.com", "send_time": "2020-01-02T13:34:37.096Z", "phone": "+33XXXXXXXXX", "sms": "test%20from%20api\n \nSH via arsms.co" } ] } }
In case Of error
{ "data":{ "data":[ { "id_sms_api":0, "error":[ "#006" ] }, { "id_sms_api":1, "error":[ "#006" ] } ], "envoi":0 } }
#001 : Authentification failed #002 : Your account is not activated yet! #003 : This phone number don't like to receive sms #004 : Your sms text contains forbidden words #006 : Your sms has an empty content #007 : The phone number is invalid